Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This day is for the crapper

So I seriously just spent a good amount of time creating a new post only for my internet to shut down and lose it.  It was too long anyhow and quite possibly stuff you didn't care to read.  So I'll give you this for tonight...

Behind door number 2 is where business goes down.  The hundred black specks on the wall are flies. So don't open your mouth ever in that place.  When jobs ask you to list specific skills this might have to join the list.  Because using the choo is definitely a skill.  Cho-ga moves have been born and come in handy.  Not too shabby for the leg and thigh muscles either.

I shall try this whole blog thing again tomorrow.


  1. SO SO glad to find your blog, Sarah! You look great and you are doing such a wonderful thing. So is the address you posted on the blog, previously, still a good address? Glad you haven't gotten sick! Take care and thank you so much for taking the time and energy to blog. We all love it and look forward to each post you make. Awesome! Hope to get things in the mail to you, at random times! Love to you!

  2. Thanks so much! The best address to use is the one on the top right corner of my blog. It will come to me directly instead of first stopping at the Peace Corps office.
