Saturday, May 7, 2011

You asked for it...

Here it is.  I'm not a blogger so this shall be fun, right!?  (I've already been staring at this screen for 5 minutes wondering where to begin...and that's a lie its been 15.)

Seriously, who knows what you will find here.  Some days I may just ramble.  Other posts might only be a sentence.  I'm glad you are along for the journey, because in all the uncertainties that come with being a Peace Corps Volunteer, the one thing I know for certain is that I will need you.  The next 27 months aren't going to be easy.  There will be a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.  Hell, and that was only the application process...yes I bestowed the name of hell on applying to the Peace Corps.  Gotta love when someone asks if all you have to do is sign up and go.  Umm ya, something like that.
I applied in March 2010.
15 months later... I will be sitting on the plane to Kenya with my insecurities taunting me and wondering what did I just sign on for.

This excites me though.  The fact that I really have no idea is thrilling.  Like I said previously, I'm gonna need you my lovely friends and family.  Emails, thoughts, Snaaaaail mail.  All of it!  Thank you for your support and kindness thus far.

Last thing...Let's just forget about grammar and such things.  I dropped out of a Masters program not once but twice (ya that's right) because I didn't want to write papers anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to be able to follow your journey. Thank you for the opportunity; I know it is going to be a tremendous blessing for everyone who reads! So don't stop, okay? :-)
