Saturday, May 12, 2012

Let me catch you up...

A couple weeks ago I went to a nearby pcv’s site for a sheep slaughter.  This is dinner being prepared.

I’ll spare you the next stages and won’t post the photos that followed.  I will tell you that dinner was delicious.   But before that there was an appetizer…

So in that bowl is cooked sheep’s blood.  I attempted to partake after a friend claimed it was good and like something he had eaten before.  Let me give you my write up on it…  I choked to the nearest bush and spit it up.  Ummm ya .  I don’t know what he is eating but that’s not like anything I have ever eaten before.  But hey I gave it a go. 

Last weekend a bunch of us traveled to a friend’s site, which is on an island in Lake Victoria, to help with a girl’s camp.  We taught over 100 girls how to make reusable sanitary pads, shared about water sanitation and basic hygiene, passed out waterguard to treat the water, had lunch and a dance party.  It was a good time. 

The next day we took a boat out to another island with white sand for a little R&R. 

 My friend Mildred has saved me a space at her home so I can have my own shamba.  

Locally I can only get tomatoes, onions, and kale.  So I have planted green beans, broccoli, cilantro, hot peppers, peas, green and red peppers.  This will add soooooo much to lunch and dinner options.  I seriously can’t tell you how, such a simple thing as this, will change my world (If they grow).   Behind me in the pic are my green beans!  They are growing!  What What.  Check me out now, Green Giant.

At the moment I am working with some group members in my village to identify people who need a treated malaria net.  The kids at my church back home are learning about malaria and the church family has decided to raise money to supply malaria nets in my village.  I’m psyched to be a part of this cross-cultural exchange.  Many orphans have been identified to receive a net - like this sweet girl.

This project will keep me busy going around to homes to install and discuss the proper use of the nets.  I was told the first bulk order of nets have arrived and will be diving in next week.  More on that later. 

To all my peeps back home thanks for keeping up with me.  I love you and miss you so.